Course schedule (Spring ’23)

List of pages with the weekly schedule, including course materials, assignments, due dates etc. NOTE: also available as a drop-down menu from the menu bar.

Tentative schedule: pending a few changes based on library sessions to help you become better researchers!

  • Week 1: Orientation, basics of Chinese history; modernity and Chinese history. (Jan. 18 – 20)
  • Module 1: Conquest and Consolidation 
    • Week 2: Manchu conquest, Kangxi’s consolidation, Yongzheng’s authority (Jan. 25 – Jan. 27)
    • Week 3: Library session 1; China and the 18th century world/Qianlong emperor (Feb. 1 – Feb. 3)
  • Show and Tell project 1 due Feb. 7
  • Module 2: Fragmentation and Reform
    • Week 4: Library session 2; Confrontations with the West and the crisis within (Feb. 8 – Feb. 10)
    • Week 5: Late Qing reforms; Boxer Rebellion (Feb. 17 – Feb. 19)
  • Show and Tell project 2 due Feb. 28
  • Module 3: Envisioning State and Society
    • Week 6: Power up your Domain; Boxer Rebellion (Feb. 22 – Feb. 24)
    • Week 7: End of the dynasty and May 4 movement(March 1 – March 3)
    • Week 8: , CCP and [Nationalist] GMD fragile alliance; GMD in power?; (March 8 – March 10)
    • Spring Break: March 15 – March 17: no class
  • Module 4: War and Revolution:
  • Module 5: Re-entering the world:
  • Show and Tell project 5 due May 9